Minggu, 08 Maret 2009

Facts To Consider Before Purchasing A Website For Flipping

Any professional webmaster would consider purchasing a website for a low price, with an intention to renovate and restructure it to gain big profits. However, there are not many webmasters who are unable to gain the expected profits from their venture. Their disappointment is mainly because they overlook some important aspects before purchasing a website for flipping. Given below are some very important facts to be considered before purchasing a website for flipping: 1) Purchase a website with original content: On any auction sites, there won't be dearth of websites with perfect looks and designs; however, it is very important to check the content and articles of the website with sites like Copyscape or Dupefree for originality. If these sights confirm the content as duplicate, then it is better to ignore the content from the site's value, as it is more than a probability that you will have to change the entire content to increase the value of the website. A site with duplicate content is likely to score a very low rank on any search engine. 2) Be wary of banned sites: It is a well-known fact that a banned website is of no use to anyone. Hence it is advised that before determining on the purchase of the website, it is in the best interest of any website flipper to check the website with iwebtools.com to ensure that the website is not banned by Google. 3) Always prefer websites with quality back links: Back links play a very crucial part in securing a better rank on the search engines. Try to give more importance to websites with quality back links. Of course, quantity is also important, but a website with 10 quality links should be preferred over a website with hundreds of broken or inferior back links. 4) Look for websites with better ranks: Websites which score better ranks on search engines are likely to attract more traffic than websites with lower ranks. Any website flipper should try to purchase a website with a good rank which can be improved considerably with a bit of effort and skill. A website which ranks high on the PR ladder can assure you much better profits. 5) Beware of scammers on auction sites: It is not uncommon to find beautiful websites on auction sites with great site statistics. However, it is advised not to get carried away with the site statistics mentioned in the details, as they might not be true. The world is not an ideal place and hence it is in the best interest of your business to check the relevancy and accuracy of all the given statistics yourself. By following the above mentioned simple tips, any website flipper has a better chance of securing a good deal, which is bound to give him higher profits in the future.

By : Amir Rimer

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